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The Guide to Content Marketing Trends in 2021

What does the “Content Marketing” term refer to? Content marketing is to attract and retain clients by creating and curating relevant and valuable content. Make it part of your regular marketing process. Content marketing involves content creation and sharing it through various online channels (such as videos, social media posts and blogs) that do not explicitly…

How Can I Get a Digital Marketing Job?

What is Digital Marketing? Marketing is done through various digital mediums like the Internet, search engine, video channels, social media, blogs, websites, and applications, called Digital Marketing. It is the fastest-growing form of marketing owing to its reach, measurability, cost-effectiveness, and accuracy. As a result, it overtakes all marketing platforms and will soon become the…

Some of the Biggest Marketing Challenges during COVID faced by brands

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it imperative for almost all business leaders to adopt strategies that enable customer stability, business continuity, and revenue growth during an unprecedented and unpredictable moment in history. COVID-19 has changed the way the economy will function for the foreseeable future in the long run.  Critical challenges for CXOs and CMOs…

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